Reggie is Safe!

Reggie GSP Rescue safe kill shelterEarlier this month, we received an email about a GSP that had been surrendered to a local kill shelter. Reggie was an adult male GSP that was being given up because he wasn't a good fit in their home. The family had adopted Reggie from a friend who was retiring him as a hunting dog a year prior, and while they had a large yard, they had little time for exercise and training.What owners relinquishing their dogs to shelters do not realize, is that the shelters are under no obligation to hold a dog while a home is found. As soon as the dog, or any animal, is relinquished, they become the property of the shelter and can be put to sleep at anytime for any reason - lack of space being one of the main reasons. In short, shelters are not rescues or safe havens for dogs. Fortunately for Reggie, we have a good relationship with a few volunteers from other rescues that frequent this particular shelter. After contacting one of the volunteers, Reggie was pulled on our behalf by Best Friends No Kill shelter where he would be safe until California GSP Rescue could pick him up.While arrangements were being made to get Reggie out of the shelter, we were quickly making arrangements to pickup and transport Reggie. Jennifer, who recently visited and helped California GSP Rescue with another volunteer, had offered to help if we needed any assistance transporting dogs, so we asked if she could help transport Reggie. She said she was free to help the next few days and would love to help Reggie. The next several hours turned into the next day as we waited for information where Reggie could be picked up. However, the next morning, with the needed information, volunteer Jennifer was on her first transport to help a GSP in need get one step closer to his forever home!We want to thank Volunteer Jennifer as well as the volunteer from the other shelter that assisted in helping Reggie. We also appreciate Best Friends efforts and making sure Reggie didn't spend an extra night in the shelter. As an all volunteer organization, the backbone of the rescue are the volunteers willing to give their time and resources to see dogs are safe until we can find their forever homes.If you would like to help but perhaps do not have the time to give, we encourage to make a small donation to sponsor Reggie and help support our efforts.[donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Reggie" style="wdf-fresh"]


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