Daisy's Story

Daisy  dsc_1091w64The story of how Daisy came to GSP Rescue could be a best-selling book. Complete with heroes, tear-jerking moments, and inspirational dogs and people.  It has all the makings of a story you want to know.She was found by one hero at a shopping mall in Tijuana, Mexico. A crowd of people surrounded a pathetic, flea and tick infested dog, but no one was helping - Elvia knew she had to do something! She asked for help to carry Daisy to her car and rushed Daisy to a local vet. After 3 hours of work, the ticks were finally removed and she had received a medicated bath for the fleas. Because Elvia's own dog didn't get along with other dogs, she couldn't take her home but she found a foster home in Tijuana to care of Daisy.Elvia returned a couple of days later to take Daisy for a re-check and some blood work at the vet. They found that poor Daisy was severely anemic and told Elvia that she would need a blood transfusion. The next day, Elvia's own dog provided the necessary blood to help Daisy recover.After being cared for and cooked for in Tijuana, Daisy was finally healthy enough to be transported north to the California GSP Rescue. Elvia told us her amazing story and we were honored that she chose us to help Daisy find her forever family.  The title of "dog rescuer" seems far too simple for all she did for Daisy!The rescue contacted one of our wonderful fosters where Daisy could continue to regain her strength and we could learn more about her. Omar and his pack were happy to take Daisy in, teach her house manners, and watch after her as we search for a forever home for this wonderful dog. His younger dog Patton, especially, is enjoying what has turned out to be an energetic and playful foster sister!If you are the next hero in this story - Daisy's forever home - then please apply here and mention Daisy! 


Reggie is Safe!


Seussa - Search and Rescue GSP!