Quarantine News!

Quarantine Masked GSPQuarantine News from the California GSP Rescue!Like many, you are most likely reading this post from home as you are in shelter in place. The good news is if you have a young German Shorthaired Pointer, you now have plenty of time to get them the exercise they need. Lately, you may have heard about the increase in the number of adoptions at the local animal shelters. Great news for all the dogs and cats needing homes! Here at California GSP Rescue, we've been busy too with the increased interest from individuals wanting to adopt a German Shorthaired Pointer. While the time at home presents an optimal time to get a new dog acclimated and settled in, we want to make sure that there will be enough time to exercise the dog when this is all over, and everyone goes back to work!

Adoptions Are Up

We have experienced one of the few times in our history when the adoptions have outnumbered the dogs we have rescued. It has been a challenge sharing all the updates on the adopted dogs! There have been some fantastic adoptions of adult and senior GSPs that we are looking forward to sharing with you in the coming weeks.Unfortunately, like some of you, we are experiencing some of the same financial hardships and struggles. Since the shelter in place directive, donations have been down. All of the planned fundraising events have been put on hold indefinitely. And some of our Rescue Heroes have had to suspend their monthly giving. We depend on the monthly giving to help provide food and medical attention to the dogs in our care until we can find them a forever home.While our adoptions are up, we still have several harder to place dogs in our care. In the coming weeks, you'll be seeing us focus on these harder to place dogs. While we continue to work diligently to find them homes, we will also be caring for them, making sure they are fed, exercised, and receive any medical attention they may need.

Becoming A Rescue Hero

As an all-volunteer organization, the Rescue Heroes allow us to focus valuable time on rescuing and finding homes for the dogs. Your small monthly donation allows us to budget accordingly. Anyone signing up will receive a specially designed Quarantine Orange Flying Dog sticker. For anyone that becomes a Rescue Hero at one hundred dollars or more a month, you'll receive a limited edition Quarantine Orange Flying Dog t-shirt. Please, consider making a small monthly donation and becoming a Rescue Hero.


Oliver is Safe!


In Loving Memory Of Niels