Oliver is Safe!

Oliver What do you call an adult all liver German Shorthaired Pointer that is rescued from an animal shelter? Oliver, of course!"Animal Shelters Are Empty" was a recent headline highlighting a local shelter that had adopted out all their animals and emptied all their kennels. This shelter wasn't the only shelter that made the news. All across the country, animal shelters were running out of animals to adopt. Truly one of the highlights of these uncertain times. Unfortunately, that wasn't the case for an all liver German Shorthaired Pointer that showed up at a local shelter.

The First Email

California GSP Rescue received an email about an adult all liver GSP a few weeks ago. When one of the volunteers called the shelter, the animal control officer politely told the volunteer that someone had their name on him, and he would be going home the following Saturday. As a courtesy, the animal control officer put California GSP Rescue second on the list - just in case the first person didn't show up. The news of someone interested, and intending to adopt an adult GSP at the shelter was a good thing.While interest in younger purebred dogs at the shelter is common, interest in the older dogs, even purebreds, often wanes. However, these are regular times. When have so many shelters been empty at once? The volunteers at California GSP Rescue breathed a sigh of relief and went back to looking for forever homes for the German Shorthaired Pointers they had already rescued.Saturdays at California GSP Rescue are busy. Live streams on Facebook start at 10 A.M. and feature one of the available dogs. After the Facebook Live events, there is usually at least one adoption appointment. In between, the volunteers spend their time exercising and working with the dogs. It was sometime after all this one of the volunteers checked the shelter's website. The adult all liver German Shorthaired Pointer was no longer listed, another sigh of relief. These aren't ordinary times.

The Second Email

A few days later, another email was received about an adult all liver German Shorthaired Pointer at the same shelter. The first thought was someone had found a posting on social media that was old. Clicking the link in the email to learn more, there he was - the same all liver German Shorthaired Pointer at the same shelter. Was this a mistake?The volunteer made a second call inquiring about the GSP. and yes, the all liver German Shorthaired Pointer was still there - he had never been adopted! California GSP Rescue was never able to determine why the post for the adult all liver GSP was taken off the shelter's website. That wasn't as important as making plans to get this boy out.The shelter, like many other shelters, no longer allowed anyone to walk into the facility but required an appointment to pick up any animal. The volunteer quickly made an appointment for the next day as this all liver adult GSP had spent too much time at the shelter, and leaving him any longer than necessary was risky.It was hot when the volunteer arrived at the shelter, but it didn't take long for the Animal Control Officer to come to the door. The necessary signatures and payment were collected. The Animal Control Officer left to get the adult all liver GSP. Minutes later, the adult all liver GSP exited the shelter. There was not any mistake; he was taking his first steps on his freedom walk. The male all liver German Shorthaired Pointer was soon to be called Oliver, and Oliver was safe.

A Trip To See The Vet

Since being rescued, Oliver has made a trip to visit our Vet, Dr. Kang, who examined the lumps that many old GSPs get, the tag on his eyelid, the swollen paws, and his teeth. Oh my goodness, his teeth. Dr. Kang recommended cleaning his teeth and removing the lumps and tag. The swollen paws are from licking, which caused some of the hairs to become ingrown. Dr. Kang wanted to see if Oliver's condition improved after the surgery and a course of antibiotics.In addition to finding Oliver a forever home, California GSP Rescue will see he gets the medical attention he needs. We are asking for your assistance. If you are able, a small donation would be greatly appreciated. If you are unable to help financially but want to do something to help Oliver, please share his story. If you can do a little more, please consider becoming a Rescue Hero.


In Loving Memory Of Jax


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