Pudgy Is Adopted!

Bill and Tammy, incredible dog enthusiasts and devoted adopters, have not only welcomed several GSP’s into their home but also consistently lent a helping hand as volunteers. Their most recent addition, Pudgy, affectionately known as Ben, brings joy to their lives. Now, let’s dive into the heartwarming tale of Ben’s adoption!

“Well it's been just over a month since we invited this crazy beautiful dog into our lives. While this is not our first adoption, Ben (previously Pudgy) came to us with no background information at all. He was found as a stray in the beginning of August in the Bakersfield area, At that time he weighed only 50lbs. Fast forward three months and he now weighs a very healthy 76lbs. 

From the beginning Ben was a cuddler,, always having to put both front legs around you. We had no idea how he would be around our grandkids (2-4 yo) but there was no indication of any aggressiveness. And, although we had never tried before, we were going to try to crate train him.

The day we picked him up, he ran to our truck and jumped in, tail wagging like a fan. He rode in the back seat with our daughter-in-law and slept with his head in her lap for the ride home.

Once we got home, we put him on leash and introduced him to his new home. he ran right to his bed by the fireplace and laid down, tail still wagging. after showing him around the house some more, we let him off leash and walked him around the house again. we went into our bedroom and he immediately ran into his crate and laid down,,,, well that was easy :)

Our first couple of walks he was pulling quite a bit and then pulled very hard if we passed another dog on a leash. We worked with him on "leave it", and now when a dog passes, one "leave it" and he ignores the other dogs. Our concern was that we babysit our grandkids occasionally and they also have a dog. Well test time came, and after introducing the two dogs, keeping a close eye on them with Ben off leash, he and our son's dog played all day in the yard.

Although he is stubborn at times, he knows "Sit , down, leave it , hungry and let's go to bed". 

He does have some anxiety when either myself or my wife goes somewhere, but that is getting much better as he realizes that this is his home, and we are coming back.

All in all, Ben is still a work in progress, very happy and healthy, but still lot's of questions as to why did anyone ever abandoned this beautiful dog.”

We are grateful to Bill and Tammy for adopting and their continued support of California GSP Rescue. Their dedication not only transforms the lives of these deserving dogs but also strengthens our shared commitment to helping rescue GSP’s in need. With supporters like Bill and Tammy, we look forward to many more success stories, each a reminder of the joys of adopting.


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