Pretty is Adopted!

Pretty_Victoria_Tori_DSC_3693w64Pretty is an affectionate and sweet GSP mix and we are so happy she has found her forever home!She was a little unsure of the other dogs when she first came to us; as she gained confidence in the volunteers and became comfortable with her surroundings she began to accept the other dogs, too.We were hoping for an adopter that would appreciate her sweet personality and be willing to work with her with other dogs.  Victoria, her daughter Tori and mom Victoria were just those people. Pretty took an instant liking to Tori and was happy to be led around on a leash by her.  After having Pretty for a couple of weeks, Victoria sent us this update,  "Pretty is doing great.  She is getting very settled and comfortable with us and we are enjoying her so much.  Everyday she shows us more and more of her amazing personality. She is getting along great with my neighbor's dog Zoey, and we have been walking them both together every morning since first day we brought Pretty home, and now they are great friends. "Thank you Victoria for helping Pretty become the well-rounded dog we knew she could become!


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