Heidi is Adopted!

Heidi_Lily_Ellis_DSC_3734w64Eliseo and Lilia have had many GSPs in the past and have risen to the challenges of each one as well as enjoyed and loved each one. So we were very happy when they returned to the rescue for another four-legged family member.
They adopted young Heidi and are thoroughly enjoying this affectionate and energetic girl. They tell us, "she's keeping us busy, very affectionate and loves all the attention. She's already house broken, we had a trainer that came one day to help us with the issues of walking on a leash and other commands, so she's learning but it will take time . Loves to do long walks and play in the backyard with the squeaky ball". They even have future plans of training her to be a therapy dog.
Congratulations, Eliseo and Lilia! Thank you for giving another GSP a forever home!

Pretty is Adopted!


This is the Shorthair