Po Is Safe!

Po is one lucky boy to have ended up in the shelter. It's not often we consider being in a shelter lucky. Judging from his emaciated state, however, Po didn't have much longer out on his own. Being caught as a stray, taken to the shelter, and CA GSP Rescue being notified were the luckiest turn of events this poor boy has had in awhile it seems. From what we could observe, this beautiful soul was probably just an afterthought wherever he came from, not the cherished dog he should be. Shortly after being taken to the shelter, Sweet and shy Po met his first Rescue Heroes in the form of Gracie and Daniel, long time volunteers with the CA GSP Rescue.With hip bones, spine, and rib bones sticking out, Po was obviously underweight by quite a bit. He also had a large lump on his hip that was somewhat worrisome. We had to feed him several times a day and get him to a healthier state, however, until surgery for neutering and the lump could be considered. Lucky for us, Po had a good appetite and steadily gained weight. Volunteer Greg saw to it that Po was taken to Dr. Kang for surgery and lump removal - and one step closer to finding a forever home. In the meantime, our volunteers spend time getting to know his personality better to help us find just the right home. A home where he won't be an afterthought, but their first thought!As with so many dogs that come into the CA GSP Rescue, it costs money to "spring" him from the shelter. Then, there is the cost of neutering and, as in Po's case, surgery for a lump. In most cases, the adoption fees do not cover the cost of getting a dog to safety, housing, feeding, veterinary - well, you get the idea. We are fortunate that we have many wonderful people to help us with the costs, and we hope you will consider helping with Po's costs - and the many dogs that will come after him. There are two ways to help. One, is to be a Rescue Hero. A Rescue Hero signs up for a monthly donation of any amount and helps us meet our obligations every day.  The other is to give what you can when you can. There are links to both below. We appreciate your consideration and all of you who choose to share your hard-earned money to help wonderful dogs like Po!Become a Rescue Hero and help meet the costs for all of our dogs, every month!Help with a one time donation below to cover the bills for sweet Po![seamless-donations] .


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