Penny is Safe!

Penny Recently we learned of a German Shorthaired Pointer that had been dropped off at a shelter in their night drop box. When we contacted the shelter, we learned that the female GSP was microchipped and the owners had been contacted. The next day we were notified from the shelter the owners had picked her up. Big sigh of relief. The small investment in a microchip helped save the GSPs life and quickly reunite her with her family, but that is not the end of the story. The next day we received another email about a female GSP at the same shelter - we had received several emails notifying us of the GSP dropped in the night drop box and it isn't unusual to receive emails after a dog has been claimed from the shelter. We sent a nice reply back to the concerned person that had emailed us letting them know the GSP had been reunited with their owners. A little later in the day, we received a second and then a third email from individuals notifying us of the same GSP at the same shelter. Something was up. We then contacted the shelter to learn if there was a second dog and learned that there indeed was another female GSP that had shown up at the shelter a day after the first had been claimed! Unlike the first GSP that was microchipped, that had a ten day hold while the shelter contacted the owners, the second GSP wasn't microchippped and would only be held a total of five days.California GSP Rescue let the shelter know that we could help if no one claimed her. Later in the week, after the hold was up and she was made available, and plans were made to rescue her. We contacted Volunteer Lauren, who lived near the shelter, to see if she was available to help transport. Lauren readily offered to assist and juggled her work schedule so she could help transport Penny. The next morning after the shelter opened, Volunteer Lauren picked up Penny, and brought her to California GSP Rescue where she is safe until her forever home can be found. Lauren commented on how sweet and easy Penny was to transport. Yes, everyone agrees she is sweet and easy, and you'll be hearing more about her very soon.California GSP Rescue would like to thank everyone that emailed us about both dogs. Often these emails are the only way we find out about GSPs in the many shelters we work with. We would also like to thank Volunteer Lauren for making arrangements on her work day to get Penny and help transport her one step closer to her forever home! Below is a video of Lauren sharing a little bit more about Penny.[donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Penny" description="Please consider making a small donation to help care for Penny until her forever home can be found" style="wdf-fresh"] 


A Letter From Our Volunteers


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