Peet Is Safe!

Peet is SafePeet showed up at a local shelter as a stray at the end of January and California GSP Rescue closely monitored him to see if he would be claimed. As his available date approached, plans were made to pull him from the shelter and transport. On the first day he was made available to the public, typically shelters will make animals available to the public for a time before rescues, Volunteer Teri went to meet him and reported he was super sweet. A little gray around the muzzle but active and wanting attention. Of course, when we see dogs like Peet in the shelter, we wonder how they got there and why no one came to claim them. After Volunteer Teri had visited with Peet and while she was still at the shelter, one of the Animal Control Officers let her know that there was a family interested in him. It's not unusual for our volunteers when at the shelter to run into families wanting to adopt a purebred dog and inquiring about the GSP at the shelter. Knowing that the shelters only provide limited information as well as some general information about the breed, Teri took the opportunity to speak with the family interested in Peet. They were looking for a second dog and would walk him a couple of times a day. It would also provide some of the other family members to get outside and get some exercise. OK, not great reasons to adopt an active GSP, but Peet was over five and wouldn't need as much exercise as a younger more active GSP. Teri, experienced at matching applicants with possible candidates, was concerned about their dog and Peet meeting for the first time and advised them to bring their small dog to the shelter to meet Peet. Something more and more shelters are requiring since a high percentage of dogs are returned to the shelter because of issues between the family dog and second adopted dog. California GSP Rescue has known for awhile that it is important for the dogs to first meet in a neutral controlled environment with experienced individuals to assist. Fortunately, the family agreed and went home to get their small dog. Teri offered her contact information to the family and let them know we would help answer any questions we might have.Not knowing if Peet would be available the next day, Teri went home to wait and see if she would be visiting the shelter the next day. When the shelter closed to the public, Peet was still available. Teri planned to pull and transport making plans with another volunteer.The next day, at the shelter, Teri learned the family that had expressed an interest in Peet brought their other dog to meet him. The meeting was uneventful but the family had decided on another dog instead. It seems Peet was second choice to a Chihuahua that the family adopted.  Somewhat humorous when you think about a GSP being in the same category as a Chihuahua. They both have short hair but that is about it. None the less, all was good. We had Peet, and the family had adopted another dog needing a home.Teri on her way to meet the other volunteer, learned a little more about Pete, and changed the spelling of his name from Pete to Peet. While Peet is just as sweet as a GSP can get, he doesn't appear to be house trained, but that is OK. House training, when done correctly, isn't that difficult, and you can teach a dog at any age. We'll be learning more about Peet in the coming days and sharing what we learn in his bio post. Peet is safe, and waiting for us to find his forever home.California GSP Rescue is grateful for the help provided by the shelter and their assistance in helping Peet. In addition, we are grateful to the volunteers that helped pull and transport Peet, getting him closer to his forever home. Lastly, we would like to thank those individuals that help California GSP Rescue financially. As an all volunteer non-profit organization, we greatly rely on individuals that give their time or make donations. If you would like to help, please consider becoming a Rescue Hero


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