Meet Faun!

Faun is a beautiful 9 year old female German Shorthaired Pointer who is very friendly and affectionate.  She gets along with other dogs, children, loves her walks, and is a great camping dog! She is currently in a foster home with a female GSP and two children. They often have lots of kids over to play and Faun enjoys the attention. She loves to hunt the yard and will point at the birds. She often checks in for a snuggle and a pet and is adorable leaning up against your leg and putting her head in your hand to make sure that she gets her pet! She absolutely loves belly rubs and scratches behind her neck. Her foster mom says that she's the best camping dog they've ever had. Faun has plenty of energy for lots of nice walks but can be mellow as well. She loves attention, riding in cars, and going for walks. Faun does require a daily medication, which costs less than 20 cents per day. The medication controls the occasional seizures she was having after surgery a few months ago. Dr. Kang removed an insolinoma which was causing Faun to have frequent bouts of low blood sugar. The pathology report is very positive, stating that the tumor was completely removed with no sign of it affecting her in other areas. Faun's prognosis for a normal life span is very good! The biggest side effect to the medication seems to be some increased thirst and increased appetite. Her foster family has been giving her vegetables in addition to her normal food when she's hungry - that way she doesn't gain additional weight. For most of her life, Faun was part of a three-dog family pack, as well as part of a guided hunting dog service. She is anxiously waiting to be part of a new family, getting pets and helping them hunt for birds and critters in their yard!If you feel you are a good fit for Faun, please apply here.


Thank You For Loving Me And Saving My Life


Peet Is Safe!