Pebbles is Safe!

When good people find dogs, they look for their owners. If the owner can't be found, sometimes it is necessary to take the dog to the shelter where the owner might be looking for their dog. When Pebbles was found, the good Samaritan that found her, not only looked for the owner but contacted a couple of rescues. Being one of the rescues, we were able to monitor her in the shelter from the first day. From the photo, we weren't sure if she was a Pointer or possibly a Mix. In addition, we are careful about dogs that aren't GSPs since most of the visitors to our website are fans of German Shorthaired Pointers and are not always interested in other breeds.We waited and watched hopeful the owner would come and claim her. After she was held for the mandatory holding period going unclaimed, she was put up for adoption. There was one other rescue that had expressed an interest in her but never showed up at the shelter to rescue her. We knew she was running out of time and were concerned for her safety as she was listed as eight years old. The shelter was contacted letting them know we might be interested and were sending a volunteer to evaluate her.Upon arrival the volunteer reported that she definitely looked like a Pointer. Was calm (the beauty of being an adult) but had a few lumps and skin tags. Her teeth were in bad shape too. It didn't look good for her if we didn't rescue her. As an adult dog needing medical attention, most visitors to the shelter would shy away from her. There aren't many looking for adult dogs to adopt and those that are looking for an adult dog are going to be concerned with the potential cost of any medical attention she might need. Not considering she was probably one of the easiest dogs in the shelter in terms of exercise. Not too mention, she already showed signs of affection towards the volunteer and animal control officer. We had to do something. A few phone calls were made and a short time later we were happy to report that Pebbles is safe!Pebbles is scheduled to see a Vet about her lumps as well as her teeth in the next week. Her teeth look terrible. One is clearly rotten and most likely will need to be pulled. The lump on her chest could almost be left except it appears to rub against the ground when she is laying down causing a sore to appear. Now that she is safe, we'll see that she gets the medical attention she needs and begin looking for her forever home. You can help! Please share this post and the video below on Facebook and your other social media. Consider sending emails to friends and family in Southern California that might be interested in adopting Pebbles. Lastly, if you are able, please consider making a small donation. We don't anticipate her medical bills to be as much as some of the other dogs that have recently needed medical attention but it would be nice to get a head start on raising the funds to pay for the medical attention she'll need. [give_form id="31590" show_title="true"]


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