Meet Indy!

Indy is an approximately 3 year old male liver and white German Shorthaired Pointer.We met Indy when we went to evaluate him at the shelter. He was very afraid and felt alone and unsure of his fate. He had been found several days running loose in an industrial park with, what animal control thought, was a sibling. Indy attempted to flee from the animal control officer who eventually had to use a tranquilizer to sedate and catch Indy. He and his “sibling” were taken to the shelter.With no microchip or collar, they were held the mandatory holding time before being made available to the public for adoption. His “sibling” was adopted the first day but there was little interest in Indy. There was most likely a concern of him being so fearful. When we inquired about Indy, the animal control officer expressed the same concern regarding his fearfulness and barking. Without knowing if he was a purebred or not, we had only one photo to go by, and a concern for a behavior that might impair us from finding him a home, we went to the shelter to evaluate him. As we approached his kennel, like so many times before, he retreated to the back and began barking. However, he displayed a few subtle hints that let us know we could work with him. We committed to taking him, and help him find his forever home.Indy is very sweet, and is cautiously coming around and slowly beginning to trust people. He gets along well with other dogs, and we are beginning to see him come out of his shell, and becoming playful.We are looking for a very special home where he will get plenty of exercise and training. A home that can provide love and patience, to help him overcome his shy and timid behavior. We don't know if he is completely house trained, but he does know how to use a doggy door. He also rides well in the car.If you feel you would be a good fit for Indy, please apply here.


Meet Scarlett!


Pebbles is Safe!