Patton is Adopted!

patton_adoptionWhen Omar was looking for an easy going companion for his GSP Chet, we knew just the guy - Patton. Unlike his hard-charging, intense namesake, the GSP Patton is a mellow dude, loved by all, both human and canine.We were pleased to get this recent update from Patton's new dad, "Patton is going great with Chet.  They are good friends having fun together.  They are patrolling together and they enjoying being by the fireplace right now, each on their beds.Found out that Patton is anxious around loud sounds like fireworks and sirens.  He is also very talkative :)  He is a good puppy and a wonderful addition to the pack."We are very happy for Patton, Chet and Omar!  Looks like the perfect fit for all!


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