Bailey is Safe!

Bailey_130403aBailey had been sitting at a remote shelter for a few days before we had learned about her from Tanya and a few others that regularly monitor some of the local shelters and let us know if there is a GSP. While she sat waiting for her review date, we investigated to see if she was a purebred GSP. The only photo of her was of poor quality showing only a blurred face. Anyone who has ever taken photos of GSPs, probably has a fair share of photos featuring a blurred GSP (digital cameras are so nice).Bailey is black and white in color which isn't commonly found in the United States and isn't recognized by the AKC but in Europe and Australia. Since we have rescued and placed black and white GSPs in the past, we weren't too concerned about her coloring. We inquired with the shelter to see if there were any additional photos of her and if her tail was cropped. The shelter referred us to the same blurred head shot on the website but did say her tail was cropped. While not all GSPs have cropped tails, typically it's uncommon to crop the tails of mixes.As her review date quickly approached, the decision was made to rescue Bailey. Volunteer Sandy, a regular volunteer who has pulled and transported dogs in the past, was called to assist. Sandy was impressed with how sweet and well Bailey behaved in the car but was the first to question her pedigree. While California GSP Rescue's main focus is on purebred GSPs, we do place GSP Mixes from time to time. Well behaved sweet dogs like Bailey are usually adopted by those individuals not having the time or energy to deal with a purebred GSP. We're certain once she is up on the website with a much better photo, she'll be adopted quickly.A big thanks to Sandy for rearranging her work schedule to get Bailey, as well as Tanya for being the first to notify us that she was in the shelter. We would also like to acknowledge Lisa for collecting donations for Bailey on Facebook.Look for more information on Bailey real soon!


Patton is Adopted!


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