Panzer is Safe!

A4696194 chesterWe are often notified about GSPs in shelters from our network of volunteers as no one person can monitor all the shelters we pull from. In some cases, volunteers are able to do more. This was the case with Panzer. After receiving notification from a few different individuals, Volunteer Nina, having taken a week off from work, offered to help out by visiting him at the shelter as did Volunteer John, who had the day off. With more information than we normally receive (and more information is always better), Volunteer John pulled Panzer from the shelter. Arrangements were made for Volunteer Teri, who took the morning off from work, to help transport the next day. A short time after being notified about Panzer being in the shelter, he was safe and one step closer to his forever home!A BIG thanks to the volunteers that helped see that Panzer made it out of the shelter. As an all volunteer organization, our success depends on individuals willing to give their time. Without individuals like Nina, John, Teri & the many others who support the efforts of the rescue, we wouldn't be able to save amazing GSPs like Panzer.


Meet Gunner!


Hattie is Adopted!