Hattie is Adopted!

Hattie_Savannah_Amy_DSC_0555w64While we don't advocate giving puppies or dogs as gifts, there are exceptions. One would be Hattie or Haddy, depending on who you ask how to spell her name. Hattie was fostered by Amy and her daughter Savannah. You may have read some of the posts about Hattie and her foster family.Savannah and Hattie were featured in the San Diego Newspaper after attending an adoption event. If you were following Hattie, you may have noticed the number of posts diminished as Amy realized that the longer they fostered Hattie, the more difficult it would be to say goodbye. Savannah, after Hattie started sleeping in her room, regularly asked if they could they could adopt Hattie, and her Mom would always give her an answer putting her off a little longer.Finally, on Christmas morning, Savannah got her wish when her Mom announced to her that Hattie was now part of their family.  Anyone that has ever experienced Christmas morning with children, knows that finding words is difficult to describe their reaction. We would like to invite you to watch the video and hear Savannah tell you about her Christmas.We'd like to thank Amy and Savannah for giving a Senior GSP a home. While they are often overlooked because of their age, they are often the best candidates for some families.


Panzer is Safe!


Ava is Adopted!