Orion is a Star!

orion_carOrion (one of Missy's puppies) family wanted to let us know how he's doing - we thought you might enjoy it too!"Just wanted to pass along an update about Orion (formally Blazer). His unofficial birthday was the last week of June, so he’s now about one year old.We wanted the rescue to know how well he’s blended into our little family, even our grumpy min pin Emma has finally come around to him! He’s matured a lot since we adopted him as a 3-month-old puppy – when we adopted him a volunteer suggested we take him to the Pasadena Humane Society near us for obedience lessons, which turned out to be a wonderful experience and he has just graduated from basic obedience. He can sit like a pro and was frequently the demo dog for loose leash walking, though we’re still working on recall. Last month he participated in his first agility Show n’ Go, and was probably the only GSP/lab to ever compete in the 4 inch jumper's round. He was incredibly excited to be in the ring and did a beautiful job. Every week he watches his sister in her agility class and is always eager to run out and join her! This fall we’re planning on starting formal agility classes once he’s fully grown.Orion has been a wonderful fit for us, he has the sweetest temperament, he's such a sensitive dog and is quite lovable! He still attempts cuddling in our laps on occasion. We have friends and family over to our house pretty frequently and he loves to visit with everyone. Whenever we’re out in public people always mention how calm and mellow he is. He tries hard to please, though he is still a ball of puppy energy at home!One of his favorite backyard activities (besides being on squirrel patrol) is to splash in a small tub of water we have for him, though he also enjoys sprinklers and mud puddles, whichever are most easily accessible. And he loves to roam the house and backyard with a toy in mouth, whether it be a Kong, squeak toy or tennis ball! He tries to “show off” with his cool toys to Emma, who is never quite as impressed.Until then, hope you and everyone at the rescue are doing well!" 


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