Ollie is Adopted!

Ollie_Bob_DSC_0140w64Bob was a prior volunteer with CA GSP Rescue.  He previously had picked up dogs at local shelters and brought them to us and has had many years of dog ownership.  He wanted to add a GSP to his life again to be his companion at home and at work.He came out and adopted Ollie and has reported that "Ollie is PERFECT!".  Ollie is now going to work with Bob and visiting with the office folks, going to the beach and generally living the sort of life we hope for all of our GSP alumni.While Ollie is easy in many ways, Bob is still making sure Ollie gets the exercise a younger GSP needs daily as well as the training and attention.Thank you Bob for opening up your heart and your home for Ollie.  Enjoy the rest of your life sweet boy!


Lily and friends are Safe!


The Amazing Benefits of Coconut Oil For You And Your Dog!