Lily and friends are Safe!

Lily_A3424297w29A few weeks ago Lily showed up at a kill shelter. Initially she was listed as "rescue only" for medical reasons but later was cleared and made available to the general public. Fortunately for Lily, Peace Love Pointers Arizona Rescue had started networking her and a week ago Thursday morning California GSP Rescue Volunteer Teri saw the post of a gray faced GSP needing help.As with most dogs in shelters, there isn't a lot of time to make plans and transportation can often be the biggest challenge. Late Friday morning with the help of Robin from National Brittany Rescue, who assisted with coordinating and making sure everyone was where they were suppose to be before the transport, the plans were confirmed. Once transport was arranged, Rescue Coordinator Samantha at Maricopa was contacted and a commitment was made to pull Lily.Early on Sunday morning Volunteers Fred and Diane headed west with Lily and friends toward California. Sunday afternoon, Lily and friends were with California GSP Rescue and one step closer to their forever home.As an all volunteer organization, our success depends on people that are willing to give their time to make a difference. California GSP Rescue would like to extend thanks to Jennifer Montouri of Peace Love Pointers Arizona Rescue for getting the ball rolling and networking Lily; to Robin of National Brittany Rescue who managed to get everyone in the right place; to Samantha at the shelter for being so cooperative and helpful which made everything much easier; to Diane for getting up early on a Sunday and driving west, yes, the Starbucks in California tastes better; and Fred for helping make the pre-transport arrangements and convincing Diane to take a Sunday morning drive.Look for more about Lily real soon as well as a post about her friends!


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