Nubbins Is Adopted!

Nubbins may not have had the best beginning, but his happy ending will make you smile. He has hit the jackpot!Mariann and John are valued California GSP Rescue supporters, and previous adopters. They have huge hearts for seniors, and when they heard Nubbin's story, they quickly applied for the opportunity to add him to their family. Nubbins journey to us began when he was found wandering alone in a field limping, very thin, and had an open wound in his shoulder. He was taken to a shelter, and after his examination by the shelter vet, it was determined he would need to be rescue only. We wasted no time picking him up from the shelter and getting him medical attention. After a thorough examination by our vet, Dr. Kang, it was discovered that Nubbins had 19 bb’s in his body. He also had a shoulder injury, a puncture wound, and what appeared to be some old injuries to his paws/hocks, as they appeared to be swollen. We are thinking he may have been hit by a car some time ago. Seldom do we have an opportunity to see what kind of life the dogs have lived before coming to us. We can speculate where their scars and behaviors might have come but little more. In getting to know Nubbins, it leaves little speculation on the life Nubbins has lived. Such an amazing dog.We made Nubbins a promise to work diligently to find him the home he deserves that will give him the love and attention he has possibly never experienced. And boy did we!Mariann and John made the over 3 hour drive with their two dogs, Bear and Ben to meet Nubbins, and the meeting went very well. It was quickly determined that they weren't leaving without him. We have received several updates from Mariann telling us how well Nubbins is doing in his new environment, and we couldn't be happier."I can't even begin to tell you how Nubbins little personality is coming through as the days go by. Today he and Ben were chasing each other through the house. It warms my heart to see he and Ben running together. He is eating like crazy now, and wagging his tail always. It is so fun to watch his personality blossom! We are so in love with him. I thought I was all loved out, but this is a whole new level! He truly just wants to be loved, and is an absolutely wonderful dog. We feel so blessed to have him in our life. Many thanks to the California GSP Rescue!  No more bad days for Nubbins. Only love and pampering"! Thank you Mariann and John for opening up your huge hearts and your home to a senior dog, and for restoring Nubbin's faith in the kindness of humans. 


7 Lucky Dogs


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