7 Lucky Dogs

Please help 7 luck dogs

[thermometer raised=5430 target=12000 height=300 currency=$ align=right trailing=false fill=#f05323]The past few months have presented some incredible medical challenges to the California GSP Rescue. We are hoping we can count on your help to fulfill our obligations to those most in need, our 7 Lucky Dogs. Our debt has topped $12,000 over and above the routine care we budget for.

Amidst all of the young, healthy, “easy” dogs we’ve taken in, there have been many that needed care – some requiring extraordinary care. At the same time our volunteers struggled to get these dogs to the vet and find foster homes for them to recover, we’ve also been taking dogs into the program and trying to adopt them out as quickly as possible. It has been a daunting task, made easier by the knowledge that our supporters have always come through and helped out the dogs in need.This has been an unprecedented influx of veterinary-needs dogs for us. Dr. Kang has recognized this and pitched in, donating his time in several instances. For what remains, we are asking for your help, in any amount. We can’t do it alone, but together, we can make a difference for SO many.Below are just some of the stories of the 7 Lucky Dogs that have been rescued and received the medical attention they needed. Please Help RosieROSIERosie showed up a shelter with several mammary tumors. An older dog with a medical condition had zero chance of being adopted, so we were there when her hold was up. She had surgery to perform a partial mastectomy 

Please Help GingerGINGERYoung and energetic Ginger just one day…wasn’t. After some TLC and no improvement, we took her for bloodwork. Ginger was having a bout of pancreatitis, requiring hospitalization and medications. Luckily, she is feeling 100% better now and ready for her family!

Please Help AlissaALISSAAs a stray with a huge tumor on her foot, we felt certain this poor girl was dumped on the streets. The tumor was removed immediately by CA GSP Rescue, and we awaited biopsy results. Unfortunately, an aggressive cancer was confirmed and an oncologist consulted to help us decide on the best course of action. Unfortunately, there is no hope that the cancer can be cured and we are trying to slow it down while giving Alissa a great quality of life in her foster home

 Please Help NubbinsNUBBINS Nubbins’ story just broke our hearts. This affectionate, sweetheart of a dog was found in a field – skinny with an open wound. Another beautiful soul that would never be adopted at a shelter, so CA GSP Rescue was his only chance.  In treating the wounds, it was discovered poor Nubbins had a separated Achilles and at least one old fracture – none of which were properly cared for. Dr. Kang also found birdshot in Nubbins – 19 bbs in all. We are proud to have helped this boy heal and find a home to pamper him for the rest of his days.

Please Help LunaLUNAPoor Luna was returned twice for extreme separation anxiety. While we worked on helping her, her health began to fail. She is currently under Dr. Kang’s excellent care for pancreatic and other issues. While we try to get a handle on this girl’s medical issues, she remains happy, quirky and sweet. We hope to be able to provide a positive result soon.

 Please Help FaunFAUNFaun’s owner, recently homeless and trying to get back on his feet, could not care for her, especially since she’d recently been having bouts of low blood sugar. With a few tests it was determined she had a mass on her pancreas causing her problems. Surgery has been curative, but expensive. She is currently recuperating in her foster home and all-GSP energetic 10 year old will be available for adoption soon!

Please Help KaiserKAISERKaiser was a 14 year old GSP with nowhere else to go. CA GSP Rescue stepped in to take Kaiser and find him a loving home. His foster family quickly noticed he had far less energy than even a 14 year old should have. A senior check at the vet suggested internal bleeding. Emergency surgery was performed, quite definitely saving his life. Kaiser is living happily with his foster family and foster brothers, waiting for a loving home. Our 7th of the Lucky Dogs, he is extremely lucky to be alive. More coming soon.

Update 10/14/17 Thank you to everyone that helped start this fundraiser by making a donation! We still have a substantial amount to raise but are certain we can make it to our remaining goal of $10,570! Every little bit helps and we greatly appreciate any amount you can spare to donate!

Meet Kaiser!


Nubbins Is Adopted!