Missy is Adopted

Missy_Greta_Dan_Sandra_DSC_0186w64Sandra and Dan are former adopters and came back to add to their family. They met Missy who had recently had puppies and fell in love with her but waited for her to be spayed before taking her home.  They came and visited her with her new sister Greta as well...ensuring all four legged siblings would get along well.  Sandra, Dan and Greta have now brought Missy home and renamed her Matti (short for Mattilda).  Sandra recently updated us with the following:"Matti has fit right into our family without a hiccup; she is a wonderful new addition to our home. Matti loves going on walks, meeting the neighborhood dogs and finding critters to 'point' at. Matti absolutely loves her daddy and follows him everywhere. To our delight, she is potty trained! We are training her to go into her crate to wait for our okay before eating meals.

We have taken her to our vet and we have discovered that she has some dental issues but nothing that can't be worked into our daily routine. All of the employees at the vets office had ooohed and awwwed over her... Must be those adorable eyes!"We are so happy for all of you!  Thank you, Sandra and Dan for choosing to come back to CA GSP Rescue to adopt Missy!  Enjoy your life sweet girl!

Freddie is Adopted!


Fozzy - Always Forward