Freddie is Adopted!

Freddie_Jeri_Scott_Tyler_Joshua_DSC_0297w64Freddie met a few families before finding just the right one. She was so busy in the field, and so attached to one of our volunteers, that is was hard for people to believe she would fit into their family and be attached to them.Then, along came Scott and Jeri. They could see the many great qualities Freddie has, took a small leap of faith in our assessment of her, and took Freddie home with them.Shortly after adoption day, Scott wrote to us to say, " She's really a great dog ...I get spins and excitement when I get home she loves to be with her people." Freddie is also enjoying playing with twins, Tyler and Joshua, and is fitting in very nicely in her forever home"!Now that's what it is all about!  Thank you Scott and Jeri for opening up your hearts and welcoming Freddie as a loved and cherished family member!  Enjoy your life beautiful girl...


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Missy is Adopted