Mel Is Safe!

IMG_3735Mel Is Safe! Seniors are most often overlooked at the shelter, but a senior full of lumps and bumps will likely not make it out at all. That is, not unless a rescue steps up.Lucky for Mel, animal advocate Jill was notified about this sweet senior and quickly mobilized with GSP adopter Sheila to get a video of him at the shelter. The video and her plea for someone to save sweet Mel found it's way to the California GSP Rescue.  Once made available after his stray hold was up, we wasted no time, and sent volunteer David to spring Mel from the shelter.Here at the Rescue, we never refuse a dog just because it is old. While we know it will likely take longer to find an adopter, we also know we can provide a safe place for a senior while that perfect family is found. We have been extremely fortunate in the past to find people who not only understand the challenges of adopting a senior, but also know the joys of an older dog!Mel is a GSP mix who showed up at the shelter as a stray. Dirty and disheveled, but wagging his tail constantly and looking for pets; laying his head on the lap of anyone who got close enough. We are told he also offers his paw for a shake. He was someone's dog at one time, but no one came looking for him and we were sure to be there when his hold was up. He now joins the ranks of the many seniors who have come through our door. The many seniors whose owners thought they were "too old" or "too much trouble". The many seniors whose owners were quite wrong about them, and are missing some of the best years of their lives.Thank you to Jill and Sheila for going to the shelter to look after Mel, and to volunteer David for acting so quickly to get him to safety.Mel has some lumps, as most senior GSPs do. We will make sure he sees the vet to have them checked out. In the meantime, he's gratefully accepted a bath and is chillin' at his foster home.California GSP Rescue continues it's commitment to GSPs of all ages. With your help, Mel will receive the vet care he needs and a place to wait for his forever home.[give_form id="31590"]   


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