Meet Watson!


Watson is a strikingly stunning, and very energetic three year old GSP. He also has an affectionate side and loves to be near you. He also likes to play fetch and drops the ball nicely for you. Watson loves the water as well - often jumping in to the pool at the rescue. He is crate trained, house-broken and seems to know sit, stay, and heel (with a little work, and after exercise!). This energetic guy will need some vigorous exercise each day. At the rescue, he has learned to run alongside of a bike, and it's a great way to tire him out (a tired dog is a good dog!). Mr. Watson is also quite smart, and some mental activity would be a bonus for him - like nose work or agility perhaps.

Unfortunately, Watson has had four homes in his young life. Because of this, he will need an owner who can allow him to slowly settle in to his new life. Quite understandably, Watson is a little nervous in new situations and needs guidance, patience and time to learn his place in his new "pack".Watson's ideal family will exercise him regularly. They will also continue training him and practicing "nothing is free" will help him learn who is the leader in the home - this will help him be more comfortable with his new home as well. Watson does okay with recall with the volunteers he knows, but has been allowed to play "keep away" a few too many times in previous homes, so he will need someone with patience to keep practicing this important command. He has done well with some dogs, but we feel he would thrive as an only dog in the home, where his people could give him the attention he needs to thrive without the distraction and excitement of another dog.If you feel that Watson would be a good fit for you, please apply here.


In Loving Memory of Dude


Meet Daisy!