In Loving Memory of Dude

It is with heavy hearts that we tell you of Dude's passing. Adopted just 2 1/2 years ago by our very own volunteers, Teri and John, Dude was loved by everyone he met. He was the Dude! And Dude fit him perfectly; chill and accepting of all. Dude loved the beach, enjoyed local coffee shops, and attended yoga classes. He went to work with mom Teri and enjoyed weekends listening to his favorite singer Karen Eden (aka, his girlfriend) in local dog-friendly venues. Dude was the once-in-a-lifetime, take-anywhere kind of dog.He was originally named "Argo" by the California GSP Rescue. Named after a constellation of stars considered the “jewel of spring equatorial skies”. Teri and John took him home to foster, but anyone who saw him leave the rescue that day with Teri - and anyone who knew Teri - knew the fostering would soon turn into adopting. Teri and John soon made him a permanent member of their pack. And they renamed him Dude; it was just perfect for him.Although Dude had health issues more than once, Teri and John always rose to the challenge. They sought out specialists, researched alternatives, and managed pain and anxieties when they surfaced. They did whatever it took to help Dude be happy and healthy. Dude's latest development with cancer was the toughest. Unfortunately, On June 23, 2017, Dude lost his battle to cancer after a long brave fight.To say he was loved is an understatement. He was pampered and protected. He had friends from all over the world that never met him, but sensed his amazing personality through Teri and John's Facebook posts. He was a chill bro to the rest of the pack - Hope, Jenny and Forrest. He was an ambassador for GSP's and all dogs. He was Teri and John's best friend. And Dude was cherished.Yes, stories like Dude's make us sad. Sad that he's gone too soon and sad that he didn't have this kind of life for all of his years on Earth. But mostly, they make us proud and happy. Proud that we all get to volunteer with people like Teri and John - who value their dogs as they should be valued and work tirelessly to help other dogs find the bliss Dude knew. And happy. Happy that we knew Dude, if only for a short while....Many have asked how they can honor Dude and the tireless work that volunteers like Teri and John do. They've asked that we provide you a link to donate if you wish; donate to help dogs like Dude find their special humans.[seamless-donations] 


A Living Love to Share With You


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