Meet Ryley!

Ryley DSC_0598w8x6Ryley is a 1 year old male German Shorthaired Pointer Mix. Given the size of his ears, we believe this other coloring comes from another type of hound - such as a Coonhound. That tan coloring can also come from a doberman, but he is neither large enough or has the ears or long skinny face of a dobie, so we are guessing more like hound, or tri color pointer. Of course, it is just speculation, as he didn't come with a pedigree.Riley is a little calmer than a GSP of one year, but has plenty of energy to burn and would need a significant amount of exercise each day as any GSP would.  A great way to burn off some of that energy is by taking him for a run or run him alongside the bike for a few miles before leaving for work would be almost a necessity, and is a great way to give him the exercise he needs.Ryley is house trained, and his previous owners left him in the yard with a dog door to the house when they were at work. Ryley would need a secure yard, as he has been known to be able to jump a 5' fence.He loves to play with the ball, and has been very playful with the other dogs in the field. He knows the commands, "sit", "down" and "come", and walks good on a leash.  He is young, smart and highly trainable, and will need to go to a home that will continue with his training and give him plenty of daily exercise.Ryley loves his people, and would do well in a home with another dog, and ideally where someone would be home most of the day.If you are interested in learning more about Ryley, please apply here.   


Simon is Learning and Growing!


Duke a Senior GSP is Safe!