Duke a Senior GSP is Safe!

Duke EHS humane Society safeDuke and his two shepherd sisters were relinquished to the shelter when their owner passed away. The shelter worried that this threesome was bonded and would not do well unless adopted together. They contacted California GSP Rescue to see if we could take all three and find them a home. Knowing how difficult it is to adopt three dogs together, and even more difficult for a GSP Rescue to find forever homes for two shepherds, we offered to take the GSP and Jan, our founder offered to foster him in as one of her pack where he would be safe until a home is found. She felt confident that he would easily be accepted by her foster dogs and would feel "at home". The shelter was still concerned about splitting them up, but luckily found a foster to help them do a trial separation. Duke and his sisters were fine on their own, and they contacted us to come and get Duke.Duke eagerly jumped into the backseat of Volunteer Steve's truck and settled down for his freedom ride to California GSP Rescue for fostering. He met the pack and ran in the field with them, thoroughly enjoying the open spaces and gopher, squirrel and rabbit smells! Thank you to Melissa from the shelter and to our volunteers for making sure Duke is safe in a foster home until a forever home can be found![donate_button button_type="default" title="Sponsor Duke Sr" description="California GSP Rescue made sure Duke Sr was safe and ok without the two dogs surrendered with him to the shelter. We can use your support while we look for him a forever home. " style="wdf-fresh"]


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