Meet Reggie!

Reggie is a 9 year old very handsome male German Shorthaired Pointer. He was recently surrendered to us as sadly, his owner is having some long term health issues, and is no longer able to give him the attention he deserves. His owner reached out to us to ask us to assist in finding him a home that would be able to give Reggie plenty of love and fulfill his needs.Reggie is a very sweet GSP. He is on the larger side, and will benefit from some daily exercise. Loves giving and getting attention from people of all ages. He lived with kids and other dogs. He is a bit timid around other dogs, and would most likely do better with a more mild mannered dog in the home. Reggie is housetrained, and knows some commands. "sit", "go to your bed", "shake hands", "let's eat", "wait", "come back", and "lay down". He is on the mellow side, and enjoys playing in the water, and in the field. He is not a big fan of the leash, but with a little work, he can learn to love it when he knows the leash can take him to fun places and new adventures!We are looking for a home for Reggie that is looking for an amazing companion, that appreciates this magnificent "velcro" breed to keep you company at home or at work, on hikes and daily walks, and to provide him with continued training and exercise. A home full of love that recognizes all of the wonderful qualities this adult GSP has to offer, and he will surely return it tenfold!If you have room in your home and your  heart for Reggie, please apply here. 


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