Bryce Is Safe and Is Incredible!

Bryce Photo INCREDIBLE! One of the first words that comes to mind when meeting Bryce. How can an incredible GSP like Bryce end up in the shelter and go unclaimed or not even be adopted?!? Well, the shelter had Bryce listed as an escape artist which brings to mind visions of him leaping over a six foot fence or burrowing under to run loose. Not a quality most families visiting the shelter care to take on. So, Bryce sat in the remote shelter until California GSP Rescue was notified and made plans to get him out.While most shelters in Southern California are in densely populated areas and can take considerable time visiting due to traffic, remote shelters are in areas that aren't as densely populated with less traffic but still require considerable amount of travel time. Fortunately, California GSP Rescue has a dedicated group of volunteers spread out. An email was sent to those volunteers closest to the shelter and within a short time two dedicated volunteers stepped forward to assist. The shelter was notified that we had transporters in place and would let them know once the final plans were made.Volunteer Cindy had already made plans to travel and would be going by the shelter. She had a spare crate that she loaded in the back of her car so she had a secure place for Bryce on her return. You can never be too careful with GSPs, especially GSPs that have earned the title "escape artist". She would meet Volunteer Betsy, a veteran transporter, who would transport Bryce the rest of the way to the rescue. With several hours of planning and implementing, Bryce was saved from the shelter and is now safe!Everyone that has met this boy thinks he's incredible. We are learning that he may not be as much of an "escape artist" as "opportunist", however, he is smart enough to open a gate. We are also finding he needs more exercise than other GSPs his age. Lack of exercise as well as attention, could have been why he ended up at the shelter. Rest assured, as soon as we have evaluated and know more about him, we'll be looking for a forever home that can manage giving him the exercise and attention he needs.Rescuing an incredible GSP like Bryce takes teamwork. Incredible teamwork! While Cindy and Betsy were the feet on the ground doing the physical transporting, the Rescue Heroes are a part of the same team that help support California GSP Rescue's efforts by making monthly donations so that we can continue rescuing dogs like Bryce and see they get the care they need until a forever home can be found. We are grateful for the efforts of Volunteers Cindy and Betsy, the support of our Rescue Heroes, and the individuals like yourself that share the posts on social media.Please help us in finding a home that can manage Bryce by sharing this post on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram or any other social media. If you would like to do more, consider becoming a Rescue Hero


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