Meet Po!

Po is a 7 year old stunning male liver and roan German Shorthaired Pointer. Po came to us after he was picked up as a stray in a remote area. He is one lucky boy to have ended up in the shelter. It’s not often we consider being in a shelter lucky. Judging from his emaciated state, however, Po didn’t have much longer out on his own. From what we could observe, this beautiful soul was probably just an afterthought wherever he came from, not the cherished dog he should be.With hip bones, spine, and rib bones sticking out, Po was obviously underweight by quite a bit. He also had a large lump on his hip that was somewhat worrisome. We had to feed him several times a day and get him to a healthier state, however, until surgery for neutering and the lump could be considered. Lucky for us, Po had a good appetite and steadily gained weight. We saw to it that he was taken to Dr. Kang for surgery and lump removal. In the meantime, our volunteers spend time getting to know his personality better to help us find just the right home. A home where he won’t be an afterthought, but their first thought!Po is just as sweeet as can be. He does well with other dogs, and is just an all around nice guy! We feel that he could fit into just about any home. He is pretty easy going, but also likes to run, so of course daily exercise is a must, and a whole lot of love.If you have room in your home and your heart for Po, please apply here.Not able to adopt? We are still a bit shy of funds to pay for Po's surgery. You can help support our efforts to continue to rescue dogs like Po, get them the care they need, and find them forever loving homes by donating below. Thank you for your support![seamless-donations]


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