Meet Nubbins!

NubbinsNubbins is a 10 year old white with liver patches German Shorthaired Pointer. First word that comes to mind when describing him is "lovebug". He is absolutely one of the sweetest dogs you will ever meet. After running around, he is looking for his pets. Most of the time, he stays close by his people because he knows that is how you get more pets! You'll find that when you are seated, it isn't uncommon for him to put his head in your lap - yet another way to get pets.Nubbins was found in a field as a stray. From the shelter reports we suspected he may have suffered some trauma - possibly having been hit by a car because of the swelling and puncture wound the shelter reported. After taking him to the Vet, it appears he had indeed suffered some trauma, however, it appears to have happened on multiple occurrences. He had a separated Achilles as well as a fracture that had healed. In addition, the xrays showed that Nubbins was filled with buckshot. Dr Kang counted 19 beebees! Not a one time accident. While Nubbins has not had the best life, you wouldn't know it by looking at him. He is relatively active for a 10 year old and gets along well with other dogs. He is house trained and enjoys being indoors as part of the family.Dogs like Nubbins are easy dogs to care for but are often overlooked because of their age. GSPs usually live into their teens and Nubbins could easily have 4-5 more active years left. He needs a home where he will get all the love and attention he deserves, and be a cherished family member for his remaining years. Like most adult/senior GSPs, Nubbins is not a difficult dog to care for, and is looking for a family committed to making those last years the best years of his life.Learn more about Nubbins journey to rescue here. 


Meet Rosie!


Pints For Pointers Ventura This October!