Meet Newton!

Newton Neyland GSP MixNewton is a 3 yr old all black GSP Mix. He's on the smaller side and we suspect he is part Scottish Terrier. While on the smaller side, he, like most small dogs, doesn't see himself any smaller than the biggest dog in the field and, with that attitude, holds his own.By now you are probably asking, "how do they know Newton is a GSP Mix?" To squelch any rumors that you can call any dog a GSP Mix, we knew him when he was just a pup and his Mom, Cookie. Newton was one of eight pups and one of the stars in the video Cookies Pups. Unfortunately, Newton's adopters found themselves in a situation they weren't able to manage his exercise and training. As with most GSPs and GSPs Mixes, unwanted and unacceptable behaviors can appear when exercise and training are lacking. In the best interest of Newton and not wanting these behaviors into serious problems, his adopters returned Newton.Newton is quite active and has played and socialized well with the other dogs in the field as well as in his foster home. He enjoys running and interacting with the other big dogs when playing in the field. He will sometimes "fetch" a tennis ball but is just as likely to run around playing keep away from the other dogs that play fetch. Newton is crate & house trained and regularly uses the doggy door to go outside. He knows "sit" and "stay" although we are working with lengthening the amount of time he can "stay". His recall is good but like many GSPs, this depends on what distractions are in the area. he hasn't shown much interest in the foster family's cat and is a possible candidate for a home with a cat. He rides well in a car and knows when it's time to go to the field bounding around the den while when the leashes are gathered.Don't let Newton's dark coat and size fool you, he's very much a German Shorthaired Pointer in the body of a Scottish Terrier! If you are interested in learning more and seeing if he is a candidate for your consideration, please, submit an adoption application from our website.Other ways to help:1) Share, Like, & Comment on Facebook or, in case you have recently deleted Facebook, your other social media2) Subscribe to our YouTube Channel. The more subscribers the more views the videos will receive3) Become a Rescue Hero! With our limited resources, your monthly donation helps our all volunteer organization continue rescuing German Shorthaired Pointers.    


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