Meet Calvin!

Calvin is a 1 year old beautiful white with liver male German Shorthaired Pointer. He is as sweet as he is handsome, and loves getting and giving attention towards people. Calvin came to the rescue when his owners were unable to give him the exercise and attention he needed. While he had extensive obedience training, some of his puppy behaviors persisted and soon became a concern. In addition, he was having issues with the other older male dog in house.Calvin is house-trained and crate trained. In the extensive obedience training he had prior to coming to the rescue, he learned the following commands: "here", "heel", "stay", "sit", "down", "kennel". Commands that provide a great foundation for a family that is willing and committed to seeing he receives the continued training and attention he needs. He does well on a leash but will need continued training to improve.In the field he will fetch tennis balls and frisbees - great ways to exercise a young GSP! Prior to coming to California GSP Rescue, he was learning to fetch the newspaper! He would also be a candidate to exercise on a bike as he could be given a substantial amount of exercise in a short amount of time. He also has enjoyed playing in the water which, when combined with fetching, can provide another method of exercise. Exercising him, as well as any young GSP, is one of the keys and necessary elements needed to have a well behaved dog! Calvin is no different.While Calvin had issues with other dogs prior, he has shown promise when socialized in the field. He has regularly engaged and played with the other well socialized dogs.  His prior issues might have been territorial or food related - the only issues we've noticed on occasion with other dogs. While these might  be managed, we feel that he would be best as an only dog that could be socialized in a controlled environment. This would also allow his adopters to focus their attention on continue his training.Calvin is a good dog and shows a lot of promise, however, he needs to go to a home without children or other dogs. If you are interested in Calvin and do not have any other dogs or children in the house, please submit an adoption application from our website. If you have a multi-dog home or children, you can still help Calvin by doing one of the following:Other ways to help:1) Share, Like, & Comment on Facebook or, in case you have recently deleted Facebook, your other social media2) Subscribe to our YouTube Channel. The more subscribers the more views the videos will receive3) Become a Rescue Hero! With our limited resources, your monthly donation helps our all volunteer organization continue rescuing German Shorthaired Pointers.


Meet Newton!


Meet Ahlen!