Meet Jake!

Jake DSC_0016w8x6Jake is an 8 year old stunning German Shorthaired Pointer with the most dreamy eyes. Jake is white with liver patching, and appears to have a patch with the shape of a snowman on his back.Jake was brought to us by his owners because they are moving, and are not able to take Jake with them. They tell us that he is house trained and crate trained, that he walks well on a leash, and does not pull, and has had some obedience training. He knows the commands, "come", "sit" and "stay", and is good on recall.This handsome boy is very outgoing, and social. He has lived with a family and has been around children, and was very good around them. He is also great with other dogs. This sweetheart of a boy is very social and loves getting pets and attention, and will even try and lift your hand up to get you to pet him.Jake needs an active family that will give him the exercise he needs, as even at 8, he still has plenty of GSP energy to burn. And of course, someone that will give him plenty of attention and affection, otherwise he will be sure you do!Jake is available for adoption, and would fit into just about any home with the exception of a home with cats.If you have room in your home, and your family, for this very loving GSP that will surely capture your heart, please apply here.


My Name is Abby


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