Meet Banksy!

Banksy GSP Lab Mix adopt Rescue CaliforniaMeet Banksy!  An enthusiastic, energetic, and fun-filled German Shorthaired Pointer mix! We estimate this great dog to be approximately 3 years old.This incredibly smart boy knows "sit" and "down" and loves to play fetch. He will drop the ball at your feet so you can do it again, and again, and again! Banksy mostly resembles a black and white GSP, and is on the larger side. Because he has a cute and fluffy tail, this is an indication that he is a mix. His coat isn't long, though, and he's nice and slender like a GSP. His energy and people pleasing nature is  definitely ALL German Shorthair Pointer! Banksy enjoys the other dogs - big and small - and could possibly live in a home with a cat with some patience and training.It is incredible to the volunteers who spend time with Banksy, that regularly remark what a "great dog" Banksy is, and that he was almost euthanized at the shelter. What a tragedy that would have been. Now Banksy has the opportunity to live the life he deserves, and we are now looking for someone to adopt this incredible guy.Read about Banksy's remarkable journey here.Please complete our application if you think Banksy is for you!


Meet Onna!


Meet April!