Maverick is Adopted!

John and his wife applied for a young GSP and were a drive from us. Wanting a young dog, we had some long discussions in their experience and ability to provide the exercise and training for a young dog that could allow them to thrive. After a couple of hours we figured out a dog they could meet and a time frame to meet him.

They came to Southern California for the weekend and met Maverick. He was pretty wild and perhaps aloof when he and Dawn first met Maverick, but they spent the time to get to know him and really observed his behaviors.

Maverick is adopted and now has the new name of "True". True is now living the life of a GSP king. He is getting daily training and exercise with his new family. They are focused on ensuring this young, energetic intelligent GSP gets all that he needs to ensure he thrives in his new home.

True's adopters have GSP experience as well as other very similar breeds. They are very good about providing training, structure and lots of love and exercise for their four legged family members. They are already showing him how to incorporate into a wonderful home with people and visiting dogs. We understood Maverick to not do well with small dogs from his prior home. John and Dawn took him home and after acclimating him and working with him he now is able to have a sleep over with one of their adult kids dogs, a Cavalier King Charles.

They recently wrote to say :

“Hello California GSP Rescue! Well it’s been a great six months for my wife, myself, and True (AKA Maverick). We’ve all adjusted to the new living condition and are enjoying each other with no current issues. First let me thank all of you for being true advocates for these wonderful dogs. You are all the real heroes!

Not ever having adopted a dog prior to this, you made the process very enjoyable! That said, I wouldn’t say easy. The thought and energy you exert to ensure the prospective adopter and home is the right fit for the GSP is heart warming. In addition, the information you provided describing how the dog will behave during the transition was spot on and very helpful. Thank you for that info.

True is the second GSP in our life. After our first passed away my wife and I discussed adoption and what breed we thought we’d like to consider. There wasn’t much of a discussion, we both love the GSP breed. True is very active both physically and mentally. He takes our time, firm patience, and love. Given those three things, we have gained a dedicated family member that will follow us to the ends of the earth. He’s been exposed to wide open spaces, snow, bicycle riding and all around fun. He greets them all with enthusiasm. We’re all still learning from each other but the future looks spectacular! We love him”!


Scout Is Adopted!


Harley Is Safe!