Matilda is Adopted!

RepeMatilda_Sebrina_Cowboy_JBphoto 2at adopters, Brad and Sebrina, recently lost their very special GSP Zoey way too early to cancer.  Zoey was sweet, curious, and a little crazy, and Brad and Sebrina weren't planning on getting another dog any time soon - but then Brad saw Matilda on our website.  Within a week, they had a new sister for their GSP Cowboy, and Matilda had a wonderful home with parents who appreciated her puppy sense of wonder and her crazy, young, GSP-ness!  The updates from her new family let us know she is in just the right place: "Just wanted to give you an update on Matilda, who is now Gypsy!  Gypsy graduated basic obedience class with honors!  Now we will be on to intermediate obedience!  She's loving class, we go every Saturday morning together for an hour, and she has so much fun.  Also, Gypsy is a huge water baby! She loves drinking water, playing in water, sprinklers, pools, and she loves getting baths too with the hose! Gypsy loves her toys too, she always has a toy in her mouth and always falls asleep cuddled up with her little toy!  She's still a crazy wild child, but has really settled down and loves being at home!   She jumped out of our backyard once when we first got her, before I went into full panic mode, there she was trying to come in the FRONT door haha! She didn't want out, she wanted in!  We love her to death and she's been a perfect fit for us and for Cowboy!  She gives him a run for his money everyday.  Gypsy is the perfect crazy chaos we were missing:))) thank you all again very much!"THANK YOU, Brad and Sebrina, for giving another rescued GSP a wonderful home!Check our Facebook Page throughout today for more photos of Matilda in her new home! 


Delilah is Safe!


Meet Peaches!