Delilah is Safe!

DelilahThere are several times throughout the year when there seem to be more GSPs at the shelter and needing to be re-homed. With the end of summer quickly approaching and Labor Day next week, we are reminded that not everyone values their dog more than a vacation. Delilah left us scratching our heads when she arrived at the rescue.After showing up as a stray, she was held the required time, then put up for adoption and just like the lyrics out of the Plain White T's song of the same name "Hey there Delilah Don't you worry about the distance I'm right there if you get lonely" we didn't wait to see if she would be adopted or put to sleep. Volunteer Daniel was notified and stopped by the shelter to take a look at Delilah when he got off work. A little later he was driving home and notified us that he had Delilah. A short time later arrangements were made to finish transporting her to the rescue.A big thanks to Volunteer Daniel and Gracie for helping get Delilah one step closer to her forever home.  Watch for more on our website soon as we get to know this precious gem!


Meet Sable!


Matilda is Adopted!