Lucy Is Adopted!

Lucy_David_Kara Adoption PhotoSweet little Lucy, who was found as a stray wandering north of Bakersfield. She came into the rescue with demodectic mange, a non-contagious skin condition that we were able to treat with medicine. After several weeks of treatment, Lucy was ready for her forever home. Because Lucy was young and had a bundle of energy, we were hoping to place Lucy in a home with another dog so they could play together.David and Kara inquired about a younger GSP to add to their family and as a companion to their two year old Vizla, Draper. After several phone calls and emails, we narrowed down the choice for them to meet a couple of the dogs that were available.  After spending a Saturday at the rescue, although they loved both dogs that they met, they felt that Draper and Lucy hit it off and were quite smitten with each other.  Ironically, the need to continue the  treatment for the mange was not an issue, as they had experienced that with Draper.Shortly after taking Lucy home, we received a couple of updates from David and Kara that we want to share with you!"Lucy is adapting nicely to her new home.  She and Draper are like teenagers in love.  She shadows him and follows his lead. When we arrived at the (rescue), we were hopeful that something would work out but ready to walk away if nothing felt like a match. Thankfully, we couldn't be more pleased with how the adoption worked out. Lucy was the first to greet us and to play with Draper. The time alone with her sealed the deal as we could see the similarity between her personality and Draper's. Draper started started showing her the ropes the moment we got home with some toy-tugging chase around the yard. She had her first beach day a few day later and she showed her speed, bouncing ability, and love of the water. We started right in with basic training and she is recalling well on trails and almost has “sit," “stay,” and “this side”.  She is eating well, loving toys, treats, and chews, sleeping all night curled up with us, and generally walking around wagging her cute rabbit tail. She and Draper regularly turn the yard into their own dog park, stealing toys from each other, chasing, and wrestling. She was a little timid at the local dog park, but she is following Draper's lead and warms up to playing with others. She has met many of the other neighborhood dogs and is quite the little lovable lady at family and friend gatherings. Everyone finds it hard to believe she would have ever been allowed to be a stray, considering how cute and sweet she is.  She made it through the fireworks okay as we made sure they were both really tired with a beach morning and an extra river walk and then just cuddled at home".We are so appreciative of David and Kara (& Draper)  for being patient and waiting for the perfect dog to come along.  We couldn't be happier for Lucy. We are so grateful when we know our dogs have found the perfect home.

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