Lucky Is Adopted!

Brian’s family had a history of adopting GSP’s. His family had worked with us over the years and were great GSP parents. When his mother needed help caring for their adult GSP, Brian stepped in to take him home and also got the “bug” of having a GSP.

Brian’s dog passed away about a year ago and he knew he wanted to add another GSP to his family.  He is able to do the exercise a GSP needs as well as the training, but the one hiccup was that he has a cat so we, like we often have to do, had to find the right dog that would not harm his cat and would get along with his other dog.  

“Luckily” we had a dog named Lucky that became available that showed some promise as a candidate to live in a home with a cat. We invited Brian and his dog Ndjala to come out to the rescue to meet Lucky,. Everything went great, and they were very excited to add him to their family!

Lucky has now been renamed Thabo and I am sure you will see how well loved he is in his home and how he is doing quite well with his new four legged siblings and with Brian.  Below is a recent update from Brian on Thabo’s adoption. 

“Thabo (formerly Lucky) is thriving.  Ndjala (canine, rescued about five years ago) and Djiblet (feline, rescued almost a year ago) love him--as I do... as well as my neighbors and students.

For the first three weeks he spent with me, I took him to classes at Cal Poly (San Luis Obispo).  I couldn't leave him alone for a full day (as I didn't believe he could have stayed in a crate for my work day--I had tested him for shorter periods; I could not yet trust him loose with my cat; and I was unsure what he would get into, unsupervised).  

He graduated shortly thereafter and is pretty trustworthy these days.

But whenever Ndjala, Thabo and I set out to leave the house for our long walks, Djiblet tries to join us. I have to catch her and lock her in the house until we return.  She so badly wants to be with her new friend: cat love!

My mom, who had adopted two GSP’s and had worked with Greg in the past came with me and Ndjala to meet Thabo. That afternoon after adopting Thabo, we got a flat tire on the way home.  Very stressful with a new puppy! 

Thabo was supposedly resuscitated at birth (hence the first name "Lucky"?).* But we got got a new tire in the process, and Thabo is still with us and has a forever home!  

Thank you CA GSP rescue”!


Chester is Safe!


Sienna Is Adopted!