Lily is Turning 12!

Lily 2014We recently received an update from one of our adopters, who also happens to be one of our volunteers.  In May of 2011, Jeanne took Lily home to foster, and she never left.  Today is her birthday, so it seemed appropriate to make this Lily day!Lily was born June 26, 2002. Lily had been ‘rescued’ (or rescued her people) twice through California GSP Rescue. Before that, she was relinquished to an all-breed rescue with her brother Max by their original owner due to a divorce. The dogs were transferred to California GSP Rescue in 2007.Lily and Max were adopted in November of 2007 and lived happily in their home in Las Vegas. After Max passed, Lily's owner, Justine came back and rescued Dutch as a companion for Lily. Their peaceful life ended when Justine succumbed to pancreatic cancer in June 2010. At that time, Justine was the oldest living survivor of pancreatic cancer.Lily and Dutch seemed inseparable and volunteers believed they should be adopted together. They lived, slept, and played as a pair. Dutch was a year older, and finding a home for nine and ten year old dogs was a challenge. They lived with our founder Jan at the rescue, and were favorites of the regular volunteers on Saturdays and Wednesdays until May, 2011, when Dutch was fatally bitten by a rattlesnake. Some speculated that he was protecting Lily, as they were together when they encountered the snake.Volunteers Duncan and Jeanne Miller decided to foster Lily to allow her to be with their dogs Zena and Zulu. Within a week, it was obvious that Lily had found her forever home. She loved the playing, walking, and of course…hunting for lizards!  Lily has never met an enemy. She loves all people and is intrigued by all dogs. If a dog is not friendly, Lily just ignores the dog, stays away, and goes about her business. At 12, Lily is the stereotypical GSP. When she gets excited for walks or food, she drags pillows, blankets, etc. around the house, shaking them. Lily still gets excited for her daily walks, steals balls from her sister, hunts for critters and cats, and eats anything people eat. Her obsessions are still food and hunting. One day, Lily watched a gopher hole for nearly an hour, hoping the critter would stick his head out just one more time.  When Lily decides to take a nap on or near a person, a bulldozer is required to get her to move…you might say she does have a stubborn streak! She is healthy and strong, just feels a little stiff when it gets cold.Her name is the symbol of beauty and purity, which is our Lily! Happy birthday sweet Lily, you’ve enriched everyone’s life that you’ve touched.


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In Memory of Sandy Rust