Libby Is Adopted!

Libby with Mark, Lisa, Madison and Macy

We are always so grateful when we get an application in for a senior dog. Mark and his family applied to adopt an older dog, and one that would do well with their cat. We had recently acquired a sweet girl who we thought would be perfect for them!

Libby, was surrendered to us at 12 years old. Her owner reached out to us to ask for our help because Libby was uneasy from the noise from the neighbors dirt bikes, and fireworks, and she was worried for her. She owned her for 12 years.

Libby lived with dogs, 4 cats, goats, horses and chickens. She loved people, and lived with children. She did great with other dogs. A very easy going girl who did well on a leash. She was house trained, she knew a few commands such as Sit, Lay and Down. Her favorite toys were soft plush toys to cuddle with.

We invited Mark and his family to come out and meet Libby, and they were easily smitten with her. It has been one year since Libby found her forever home, and we are excited to share this update with you! It just doesn’t get much better than this!

”It is hard to believe that Libby has only been with us a year. She has become such a part of our family and daily routine.

What have we learned from Libby?

Libby is a kind soul with acceptance for everyone around her, furry or flesh. She speaks her needs by sitting in front of you and placing one paw on your knee. Her daily routine consists of sleeping in late, eating breakfast, followed by a morning walk. Depending on the day, she will either soak in the sun on the front porch or she will accompany Lisa in the office, while Lisa holds meetings on her laptop. Other days when I am home, she will either follow me like a shadow, just to supervise my work and remind me that if work gets too hard, there is always time for a nap. She does love to sleep, and she seems to be able to fall asleep in an instant. The cats have accepted her and see her as a constant, clumsy companion. As we were told, she is sensitive to loud noises and since we do open our house to breezes, we try to block doors from being blown shut, as this scares her.

When Libby originally arrived, I got a little scared because her ability to negotiate our 2 story home seemed like it was a physical feat for her. Now I believe she was just not familiar with stairs, because she has no problem getting up and down the stairs with us. In fact, I learned she has a bit of a competitive streak. If I am walking upstairs with her in tow, she will try to zip around me to get to the top first. On our walks, we usually allow her off the leash about 3 houses before we arrive home, and she will race to the house. Since our home is elevated and you need to go up a half flight of stairs to get to the front door, Libby will race up those stairs and immediately do the happy victory dance.

Libby is a blessing and we are fortunate to have her. She is so well mannered and tempered. We are very appreciative of having this opportunity to enjoy life with Libby.

Best regards, Mark, Lisa, Madison and Macy”


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