Leo gets adopted!

A short time ago supporters and previous adopters Ed and Eleen visited the rescue to donate a few items. Ed told Eleen before leaving their house, "we're not bringing home a dog." Which they didn't... that day.Ed and Eleen have since written,"Just wanted to let you know that everything is working out so far...I took him for a walk last night and another tonight, and for 90% of the time, I could hold the leash with one finger. In the yard he likes to fetch the tennis ball, and so far  has  shown no inclination  to try to jump the fence.  The first night in the crate he slept  very comfortably and soundly. Our thanks to you and Jan and Cindy and Lisa for this wonderful addition  to our family.  We will continue to keep you posted..."Pictured here are Leo with Ed & Eleen.


Major - Foster Update


Sheldon is a good dog