Klaus is Adopted!

Klaus_Samson_Charlie_Cole_Julie_DSC_0012_w64There is nothing that touches our hearts more than when a senior dog goes home...Klaus came to us when his owners became too ill to care for him and they surrendered him to the shelter. Klaus became an instant celebrity and volunteer favorite, and even paid it forward by bringing exposure to one of his shelter mates who found a home as well.We always looked forward to the day when someone noticed Klaus on our website that would see what we saw, fall in love with him, and look beyond his age and realize just how special he is.Well, that day came when former adopters Julie and Jim saw Klaus online. Jim instantly felt they must meet Klaus, and it wasn't difficult to convince Julie.  Watching this senior play with the other dogs and just being his special, goofy, self (it's impossible to watch Klaus prance with his tennis ball and not laugh!), Julie knew he would fit into their home.It's hard to find the words to say how grateful we are to adopters who ensure that these special seniors have stability and love for the rest of their lives, so we will just have to say "thank you" to Klaus' new family - Charlie, Cole, Julie, Jim, and new doggy brother Samson.


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