Jumba is Adopted!

Jumba_Philippe_DSC_0076_w64_w64Jumba is now ZuZu  and her new Dad "still can't believe someone gave her up".  Philippe came back to GSP Rescue for a new companion, and adopted Jumba in December.  Not only is ZuZu the cute little girl in "It's a Wonderful Life", but it was also the nickname of Philippe's previous GSP - so Jumba became ZuZu. Quite an appropriate name, as it is clear with Philippe she will have a wonderful life!We were quite happy to receive the following update, "Zuzu is doing great... She learns very quickly and is very well natured with pretty much everybody. She does bark when strangers walk by or when someone is at the door, otherwise she is quiet. She struts confidently in the backyard and through the house. She enjoys her toys now but doesn't chew.  I haven't taken her hunting or even tried but she is definitely birdie. When on walks she has tracked opossums, has flushed out a wood rat and is very interested in rabbits."  Now that sounds like a wonderful life for a GSP (sorry, couldn't resist just one more!).


Meet Bailey!


Klaus is Adopted!