Kenny's Journey: July 16 – He trains like a pro

It's Saturday, so Kenny, I and the girls visit the rescue again. I have to coax Kenny out of the truck, but he walks well on his leash into the play yard - with only a quick hide in the bushes on the way. He amazes me by heading straight for one of the dogs, instead of straight for the trees. He is out in the open the majority of the time with only a few trips to sit under the trees. He goes to meet one of the other shy dogs who is busy meeting a potential adopter - and he takes a treat from the man's hand! This is big!Well, it's big until we begin training. I have no expectations of Kenny in the training circle. If he walks with me, I will be happy. Shame on me for under-estimating this most awesome dog! He does as well at heeling as any of the dogs. He stops with just the command and a very quick pull of the training collar. He sits with just a little pressure on his rear-end (we have been working on this at home) and he lays down when I put him there with no struggle. I am so proud! As he looses some of his fear, his natural instinct to please is coming out.Once home, I take him up to the shower. After which, he takes the clothes and towels from the bathroom again, and scatters them around the bedroom.Kenny has taught me two things today; don't underestimate the resiliency of a dog, and put your clothes in the hamper.


Harvey foster journal: 1st week


Winston gets adopted!