Izzy Is Adopted!

When we rescued Izzy, her adoption day wasn't even something we considered - first we had to figure out what was wrong. We had to find a way to get her to stop spinning long enough to gain weight. We had to find a food bowl she would eat out of, a way to teach her where the door was so she didn't potty inside, and to walk on a leash without tangling herself in it. She was lucky enough to find a foster home. A foster home with understanding neighbors who were okay with her yelping and spinning when she was "stuck" in the yard. She progressed quite a bit there, or at least we were learning how to adjust for her.
CA GSP Rescue looked for an adopter for Izzy, but no one could quite understand what was going on and how to deal with her near-constant spinning. Her foster, unfortunately, wasn't able to continue with her due to a deployment, and Izzy came back to the kennel. The managers took her as their own project. Giving her lots of time in the yard to calm down. They had her spend time in the office getting used to people coming and going - in hopes it wouldn't get her so excited if it was more routine. Through time, patience and medication, she began to calm down. She often lounged on her dog bed throughout the day, greeting the workers and the newest dogs that came in. We worried that other dogs might pick on Izzy, but they all seem to accept her. And then we found a family that accepted Izzy.
Izzy's new family was sure they could live with her quirks and hoped they could help her progress even further. It was a little rough at first; Izzy had to adjust to a new family and home and routine. New things often send her, literally, into a spin - and she did a lot of that at first in her home. Her nails clicked almost constantly on the wood floor, and her yelps filled the house. So, they bought a big rug for her. They found she was more at peace in a quiet room, so they let her spend more time there as she got used to things. They employed a trainer who helped them find a way to start teaching Izzy some commands. Izzy is learning "come", "stop" (spinning), and "outside". She is spending more time being calm on one of her four dog beds. And she is even snuggling. Those of us at GSP Rescue who remember the days when Izzy couldn't stand being touched, have never been so happy!
At CA GSP Rescue, we don't give up on a dog. We didn't give up on Izzy. And we are so grateful that her adopters - Deana, Steve, and Timmy are not giving up on her either. She is their new "baby girl" and is set for a wonderful life!