Holly Is Safe!

While most of us were busy running around and prepping for the holiday, Volunteer Lisa and Volunteer Janet were saving this sweet GSPs life.  An adult dog in kill-shelter is at risk. An adult dog with obvious mammary tumors in a kill-shelter has no hopes of getting adopted. During the holidays, when dogs are so often dumped at shelters, this poor girl would almost certainly end up being euthanized to make space for a more adoptable dog.As a stray, she was put on a two week hold to give her owners a chance to claim her. Our volunteers tried calling the shelter many times to make sure they knew we would take her if those owners never came. Unfortunately, the holidays are an incredibly busy time at shelters and the staff never got back to us. As the end of the hold period was up, we made the decision to go anyway. It was a long drive for Volunteer Lisa, and an even longer time waiting at the shelter. Even so, Lisa told us, "Gotta tell you, with the stresses of the season, and dealing with Southern California commuting traffic, I was still in the best mood when I got home. Nothing like having a hand in saving a life. I love what I do!!!"Thankfully, Volunteer Janet was able to meet Lisa and take this sweet girl the rest of the way to safety. There are not sufficient words to thank all of those who notify us about these dogs, help communicate with shelters, drive countless miles to transport them, and care for them until they find their forever homes. Those volunteers who currently have shopping left to do, decorations they didn't put up - but chose instead to help rescue a dog - are our heroes.

The story is just beginning for this GSP. She will need to see our vet and undoubtedly need surgery. We hope you will consider being her hero, and helping out.
Oh, and by the way, our volunteers decided "Holly" would be an especially appropriate name for the newest dog at CA GSP Rescue.

Izzy Is Adopted!


Copper's Story